I hope to start writing a new ebook frm which the general information and basis to construct the data will be taken straight from this blog.
I am using this blog as a case study to show users of the internet the honesty concepts of making money online witout the fake and fraud that you find ever so prevalent on the web today.
I ama writer at heart, who has done a fair sized volume of research on business activities that one can become involved to make serious money working the internet for all it's worth.
Most of my information will be based wided on business and technological issues of the world wide web.
I have decided to to title this body of work as "The Most Honestly Successful Keys To making Money Online "
I might very change the title in the future if a more thought generating idea comes along or better yet, I will offer a prize for the best name my readers can come up with.
The general idea in starting off this project is to post a chapter each week and have my readers review it for currency and appplication.
In a week or so i will decide on the prize whether cash or kind or a mixture of both.
I will start to actively update this blog in the week commencing November 2, 2008 and I have I will be able to grow my readership base over the coming months.
More on this interesting bit of development to come.