Monday, November 8, 2010


Just can't remember the blog I garnered this information from by by GOD, it's a very piece of useful information:

EUR/USD - well obviousLY, there is not a single trader who does not trade this currency pair.

GBP/USD - pretty similar pair to EUR/USD however it is quicker, and the moves are about 50% bigger, 150 PIPs daily is not uncommon for this pair.

USD/JPY - quite predictible lately, notice that most of the time USD/JPY is bullish it moves slowly up, when there is a correction on this pair, it moves few hundreds pips down in just few days.

EUR/JPY - pretty much the same as USD/JPY but moves are less predictible

AUD/USD - good alternative where you have no idea where EUR/USD will go, however moves on this pair are smaller then on EUR/USD

USD/CAD - pretty predictible, mainly because CAD is highly correlated with oil price, and you know what oil price chart looks like right?

USD/CHF - very strong correlation between this pair and EUR/USD
EUR/CHF - the same as USD/JPY slowly moves up and then quickly falls down

EUR/CAD - high spread, well i do not know i just like to trade, i always find it easy to predict where will it move and how much

EUR/GBP - very slow currency pair, however sometimes spread can be low on it

EUR/AUD - this is very personal pick, i like to trade, but spread is very high so i only use it for long term trades

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