Thursday, June 10, 2010

Check out this beautiful toolbar by Rae Tay Heather Smith

I have just setup RaeTayFm which is a new toolbar by Rae Tay which is designed to have her fans keep in touch and up to date with what's happening daily with her life and her music.

Check it out!! RaeTayFm

There is a New Rae of Hope In Jamaican Dancehall Music

There is a new Rae of hope of hope on the music scene. More on this in a later as I profile the yet best thing on the jamaican music scene right now.

Yes there is fresh hope hope that something delightful can be servd to lovers of reggae and dancehall music in none other than Rae Tay the persona superb Heather Smith.

More to come.

Royan Shaw



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